Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Did somebody say food?

As you can see, Carter is still a baldy, but this kid loves to eat. Sometimes it's a chore to get him to drink his bottle but could eat 5 lbs of rice cereal if we would let him. He's starting to realize what happens when he sits in this chair and so he's always happy.
Hey guys, do you think that my mouth is big enough? Casey is always tempted to give him random food that we are eating but stops because he doesn't want to be up all night with Carter if he has a tummy ache.
We haven't found a food that he won't eat, but we haven't tried peas yet. He usually just has a funny face on the first bite or two. This is the funniest video of him eating that we have so far.

Monday, May 13, 2013

My body is so fun!!!

 About 3 weeks ago, Carter really started to realize that his tongue is a fun toy. He loves to stick it out in all shapes and sizes. He also loves when you stick your tongue out and make noises with it. He's a pretty silly monkey.
His new favorite toy is his feet. He tries to pull his socks off and also eat his sock. I'm happy with this new, inexpensive entertainment!


Monday, May 6, 2013

First Feedings

 It's finally spring!!! So we have been doing a lot of walks and hikes with Carter. Because he doesn't have much hair on his noggin, he may be wearing hats all summer.
We just started feeding him rice cereal and he loves it. He's a great eater (he's definitely a Mau), which you can see from the photo, his bib is clean and just a little on the face. We can't wait to start feeding him baby food and will post videos of that fun soon.
He loves to stick his tongue out and make noises with it. He's learning new things every day!