Wednesday, September 11, 2013

End of Summer Fun!

It's amazing how fast 3 weeks fly by when you're working, watching a kid, doing the home chores, and trying to have a few minutes of fun. Casey had a fun Saturday with Carter and left me so I could watch Michigan play. There were fake glasses involved in this fun, hopefully he will never really need them!
 Next, I'm pretty sure that we crashed a stake activity, which I thought was a yard sale. They had 4 huge tables full of clothes, which were actually a clothing swap. They also had hotdogs, cotton candy, and snow cones. We had to partake. They also had various animals. As you can see, Carter loved riding the tortoise. And I was horrified to hear about the SNAKE that Carter was holding/wearing. Can't take my eyes off Casey for even a second.
 Oh, and that's not snow cone remnants on Casey's teeth; it's just a weird shadow. We had fun last weekend at the Brazilian festival. Carter's favorite part was trying to put the cap back on my water bottle. He was sooo focused. And he inherited the tongue out focus from his father. We witnessed this "tongue out focus" while Casey was water skiing while on vacation in Texas. Like father, like son.
Carter is crawling now and it's only a matter of time until he finds the toilet. He loves the water and I'm just praying that he never manages to find it.